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O2/O2+ Systems

Last Change: 13/Sep/2022

O2/O2+ Parts/Spares

I have numerous O2s available; too many to list, so here are some example configurations, grouped by CPU-type. See after the table for warranty information, optional discounts, extras, upgrades, notes, etc. Use price differences between example R10K/195 systems or the upgrade tables to calculate the cost of alternative configurations, or feel free to email/call if you have any questions. Any 'special offers' I currently have available are shown before the main table. Systems shown in italics are not currently in stock, which really just means I don't have that particular CPU option at present.

Main Table:

Use price differences between various standard R10K/195 systems to calculate other RAM/disk/etc. combinations. Note for hobbyists: I now have available the CPU-mod R12K/300 option which is much better value (system 13 below), though a mod-CPU system is of course available to anyone.

All systems now come with a minimum of a fast 36GB 15000rpm system disk (Fujitsu MAS3367NC).
All systems are by default fitted with a 10X SGI DVDROM unit (Toshiba SD-M1401); a faster 12X (model 1711) is available for +20 if required.
Any O2+ system already comes with an 030-1327-002 motherboard. Such systems are marked under 'NOTES'.
By default, all other systems will have at most an 030-1038-006 motherboard (see the Parts/Spares page for upgrade/cost differences).
All non-O2+ systems come with an original-logo case by default.
By default, systems do not come with PSU covers fitted.
All R5K/R10K systems have repaired top-lids (ie. no locking catch; lid held down by my invisible custom mechanism).
R5K/180, R5K/200 and R10K 150 to 195MHz systems all have cosmetic flaws (carefully repaired to minimise visual distraction).
Ref                         RAM   Banks   Disk  Disk     Audio/AV    Cost
No.  CPU        MHz   L2    (MB)  Used    Size   RPM     Type (*)     UKP   NOTES

 1   R12000SC   400   2MB  1024     4    146GB   15K   AV + Carbon   2490
 2   R12000SC   400   2MB  1024     4    146GB   15K  Digital Video  2530
 3   R12000SC   400   2MB  1024     4    146GB   15K   Audio/Video   2500
 4   R12000SC   400   2MB  1024     4    146GB   15K      Audio      2370
 5   R12000SC   400   2MB   256     1    146GB   15K      Audio      1670
 6   R12000SC   400   2MB   256     1    146GB   10K      Audio      1645
 7   R12000SC   400   2MB   256     1     73GB   15K      Audio      1620
 8   R12000SC   400   2MB   256     1     73GB   10K      Audio      1600
 9   R12000SC   400   2MB  1024     4     36GB   15K      Audio      2285
10   R12000SC   400   2MB   256     1     36GB   15K      Audio      1585
11   R12000SC   300   2MB   256     1     36GB   15K      Audio      1225
12   R12000SC   300   1MB   256     1     36GB   15K      Audio      1165   Original SGI CPU
13   R12000SC   300   1MB   512     4     36GB   15K   Audio/Video    700   Modded CPU (derived from R10K/250 module and Octane core) and quiet PSU fitted (Antec F8 fan mod).
14   R12000SC   270   1MB   256     1     36GB   15K      Audio       840
15   R10000SC   250   1MB   256     1     36GB   15K      Audio       805
16   R10000SC   225   1MB   256     1     36GB   15K      Audio       660
17   R10000SC   195   1MB  1024     4    146GB   15K   Audio/Video   1460   Includes O2Cam
18   R10000SC   195   1MB   512     2    146GB   15K   Audio/Video    990   Includes O2Cam
19   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     1    146GB   15K   Audio/Video    755   Includes O2Cam
20   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     1    146GB   15K   Audio/Video    720
21   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     1    146GB   15K      Audio       650
22   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     1    146GB   10K      Audio       625
23   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     1     73GB   15K      Audio       600
24   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     1     73GB   10K      Audio       580
25   R10000SC   195   1MB  1024     4     36GB   15K   AV + Carbon   1460
26   R10000SC   195   1MB  1024     4     36GB   15K  Digital Video  1400
27   R10000SC   195   1MB  1024     4     36GB   15K   Audio/Video   1340
28   R10000SC   195   1MB  1024     4     36GB   15K      Audio      1265
29   R10000SC   195   1MB   512     4     36GB   15K   Audio/Video    800   Includes O2Cam
30   R10000SC   195   1MB   512     2     36GB   15K   Audio/Video    905   Includes O2Cam
31   R10000SC   195   1MB   512     2     36GB   15K   Audio/Video    870
32   R10000SC   195   1MB   512     2     36GB   15K      Audio       800
33   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     1     36GB   15K   Audio/Video    670   Includes O2Cam
34   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     1     36GB   15K   Audio/Video    635
35   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     1     36GB   15K      Audio       565
36   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     2     36GB   15K      Audio       510
37   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     3     36GB   15K      Audio       455
38   R10000SC   195   1MB   256     4     36GB   15K      Audio       400
39   R10000SC   195   1MB   128     1     36GB   15K      Audio       485
40   R10000SC   195   1MB   128     2     36GB   15K      Audio       365
41   R10000SC   175   1MB   256     4     36GB   15K      Audio       360
42   R10000SC   150   1MB   256     4     36GB   15K      Audio       355
43   R7000SC    600   1MB   256     1     36GB   15K      Audio      1260   [CPU mod; same speed as R12K/400]
44   R7000SC    350   1MB   256     1     36GB   15K      Audio      1500
45   R5200SC    300   1MB   256     3     36GB   15K      Audio       650
46   R5000SC    200   1MB   256     4     36GB   15K      Audio       500
47   R5000SC    180  512K   256     4     36GB   15K      Audio       380
48   R5000PC    180    -    256     4     36GB   15K      Audio       395   Rare CPU (but also the slowest! :)
Use price differences between the example R10K/195 systems to calculate other combinations. Systems do not include keyboard or mouse. Please request these separately.

NOTE: I have some systems available which have original Alias/Maya installations with permanent licenses, aswell as an Adobe system (Studio Bundle) and an original Avid system (Matador/Illusion/etc.) Email/call if interested!

Please see the O2 section of the Parts/Spares page for a full list of available upgrades and extras for O2, eg. PCI option cards, RAM, etc. Other items such as DVDROM/CDROM/CDRW/DAT units, SCSI cables, etc. can be found on the SCSI Items page.

      WARRANTY     |     <----------- System Value (UKP) ---------->
       TABLE       |  Under 500 | 500 to 1499 | 1500 to 1999 |   2000+
Default cover      |  10 days   |  30 days    |    90 days   |  90 days
Extend to 30 days  |    +50     |     -       |       -      |     -
Extend to 90 days  |    +75     |   +100      |       -      |     -
Extend to 6 months |   +150     |   +225      |     +300     |   +450
Extend to 1 year   |   +200     |   +350      |     +500     |   +750
For disk upgrade/downgrade options, just examine the SCSI Disks Table and determine price differences between the MAS3367NC and alternatives. Likewise, for an extra disk with sled (eg. for an R5K's 2nd bay), select the disk from the above list and add the cost of a sled (note there is no need to use original SGI disks).

If you require absolute minimum noise, I have fan-modified PSUs available (contact me for details); note that it is possible to use SSDs in O2 via SCSI/SATA adapters (eg. ARS-2160 series), but it is not very reliable.

Remember that an R10K/R12K O2 can only have one internal disk.


Unless stated otherwise, all O2s include 14 free CDRs (O2 Demos, Out of Box Experience, SGI Nekoware and my three Gifts CDs). Also, all R10K/12K systems with CPU speeds less than 270MHz and R5K/R7K systems less than 300MHz have scratched skins; for such systems, check the Parts/Spares page for upgrade options to better skins. However, all systems are always fully intact, except for the top lid as described in the notes above the main table (significant discounts available if you don't mind there being further cosmetic flaws - email me and I'll explain).

Unlike the Octane table, price differences between systems are determined entirely by CPU type. Select which CPU you want, then use price differences between the various example ordinary R10K/195 systems to calculate alternative configurations. If you're not sure, feel free to email or call me. Please widen your browser window to see the full table.

Please see my O2 Architecture page for details on the O2 system, aswell as the other information available on the main O2 index.

See the shipping costs page for full postage details, including for destinations outside Europe.

Please see the monitor page for details of available monitors and monitor cables.

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