R12K/400 (2MB L2) Octane, V6 graphics (32MB VRAM, 8MB TRAM), 512MB RAM, 8GB disk 1 400 MHZ IP30 Processor CPU: MIPS R12000 Processor Chip Revision: 3.5 FPU: MIPS R12010 Floating Point Chip Revision: 0.0 Main memory size: 512 Mbytes Xbow ASIC: Revision 1.4 Instruction cache size: 32 Kbytes Data cache size: 32 Kbytes Secondary unified instruction/data cache size: 2 Mbytes Integral SCSI controller 0: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), single ended Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI controller 0 Integral SCSI controller 1: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), single ended IOC3 serial port: tty1 IOC3 serial port: tty2 IOC3 parallel port: plp1 Graphics board: V6 Integral Fast Ethernet: ef0, version 1, pci 2 Iris Audio Processor: version RAD revision 12.0, number 1 Graphics board 0 is "ODYSSEY" graphics. Managed (":0.0") 1280x720 BUZZ version A.1 PB&J version 1 32MB memory Banks: 2, CAS latency: 3 Channel 0: Origin = (0,0) Video Output: 1280 pixels, 720 lines, 72.00Hz (1280x720_72) NOTE: this board does not support 1280x1024_72. The monitor I had couldn't displau 1280x1024_96, so I had to use 1280x720_72 as the next best thing. Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 98.52 185.02 63.14 103.12 204.90 70.49 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 10.78 31.94 11.07 20.95 10.91 33.36 12.38 21.04 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 110.03 209.09 107.39 133.02 326.55 140.70 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 155.63 96.61 137.50 213.54 136.43 184.11 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 299.19 307.96 218.61 310.84 586.64 611.00 374.47 496.50 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 48.40 50.45 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 330.39 246.88 701.06 423.39 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 140.68 64.75 159.85 73.53 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 18.34 8.98 18.64 9.20 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 10.42 5.15 10.52 5.22 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 512.55 415.89 634.21 1137.14 786.55 1063.44 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 11.41 11.84 [hinv] Octane R12000SC/400 2MB L2 V6 (low res): 100.35 50.85 69.27 153.04 70.15 90.91 [hinv] Octane R12000SC 400MHz 2MB V6 (low res): 60 60 60 60 [hinv] Octane R12000SC 400MHz 2MB V6 (low res): 60 60 60 60 60 60 [hinv] Octane R12000SC 400MHz 2MB V6 (low res): 20 20 20 20 20 20 [hinv] Octane R12000SC 400MHz 2MB V6 (low res): 60 60 60 60 60 60 [hinv] Octane R12000SC 400MHz 2MB V6 (low res): 60 60 60 60 60 60 [hinv]