Attached is the modified file. It only required two bytes to be changed. If you already have the Phobos driver software installed, just replace the original if_fe.o file in /var/sysgen/boot with this one, do an autoconfig -v (BTW, I'm using IRIX 6.5.11), and it should work. Then you can use FEControl to set the interface speed (auto detect didn't seem to work for me, I forced it to 100Mbit/Full Duplex). Don't forget to change /etc/config/netif.options to use fe0 instead of ec0 if you want this to be the primary adapter. I get this to work, first I did a disassembly of the if_fe.o file (using dis). The code is located in a function called if_feedtinit. After looking through the code, I calculated a few offsets so I could get a feel for something to look for. Anyways, to make a long story short, I was laying down half asleep last night looking at this thing when it just popped out-- I was trying to find where the program made the call to print the text where it said unknown adapter, which I calculated at offset 208 in the text section. I saw two calls that used offset 208 as a parameter, and they were the only ones in the whole file. MIPS assembly is very "between the lines" and the compiled C code looks very unfriendly-- I'm an assembly language guy from the old days (6502, Z80), and this was definitely a change from what I was used to but basically here it is: There is some kind of call to some other routine, upon return (located at 0x404 in the disassembly): sd v0,40(sp) sh v0,24(sp) lhu a3,24(sp) li a4,96 beq a3,a4,0x48c nop li a0,4 lui a1,0 addiu a1,a1,208 lw a2,0(sp) jal nop b 0x9d4 I had previously determined that the code at 0x9d4 exits back to the OS. As you can see when it returns, it compares some value in register a3 with 96. If it's equal, it will continue at 0x48c which contains another dozen or so lines that do another system call. If it's not equal, it moves that magic offset 208 into the register, calls a print routine (jal) and then exits. I changed the "offending" beq to bne (branch if not equal) to ignore it (this also has the side effect of making it think a Phobos card is an unknown adapter! hehe). The other check ANDs some result from another call with 0xff00 and ORs it with 0xf500 (at least that's what it looks like): sd v0,40(sp) sh v0,24(sp) lhu a7,24(sp) andi a7,a7,0xff00 ori t0,zero,0xf500 beq a7,t0,0x548 nop li a0,4 lui a1,0 addiu a1,a1,208 lw a2,0(sp) jal nop b 0x9d4 Again, bne was replaced with beq (0x17). I used a hexeditor to do all this. Good luck, at least now you know it's not a myth! The beauty of this is that the 3Com card cost me US $20! Take care, Sergio