Last Change: 01/Jun/2012 Whoami: Ian Mapleson My gaming P55/i7 PC Specs (initially built Nov 2010, referred as the 'GPC'): Antec 300 case, Thermaltake Toughpower 1000W Modular PSU 2x Gelid Wing Blue 120mm 1500rpm intake fans (top Antec 140mm, rear Gelid 120mm) Asrock P55 Deluxe mbd (3 x PCIe) Core i7 870 CPU running at 4270MHz (203.3 x 21) 1.38 vcore Thermalright U120 Black, 2x Gelid Wing Blue 120mm 1500rpm 4GB DDR3/2000 RAM (Mushkin Ridgeback 2 x 2GB 7-10-8-27) at 2030 speed. 2 x EVGA GTX 460 1GB FTW SLI (850 default core on each for the moment) System disk: 120GB OCZ Vertex3 SSD Data: 1TB Samsung Spinpoint F3 HDS103SJ SATA2 LG 22X DVDRW SATA Benchmarks (will update in July with newer drivers): ******************************************************************** CHANGELOG: 01/Jun/2012: Replaced the 120GB Vertex2E with a 120GB Vertex3. The 2E is now in my SGI Fuel. 04/Nov/2010: I decided to have two separate systems: one for video encoding, another for gaming. That way, when whichever task is in use, components not involved are not being stressed. This means less heat in each case, better cooling, better performance, and the parts should last longer. This is the initial video system (VPC):